

Grade: Grade 9

Course Name: English

Course Code: eng1p

Course type: Application

Credit value: 1.0

Pilot course: None

Course Description

This course is designed to develop the key oral communication, reading, writing, and media literacy skills students need for success in secondary school and daily life. Students will read, interpret, and create a variety of informational, literary, and graphic texts. An important focus will be on identifying and using appropriate strategies and processes to improve students' comprehension of texts and to help them communicate clearly and effectively. The course is intended to prepare students for the Grade 10 applied English course, which leads to college, or workplace preparation courses in Grades 11 and 12.

Unit Titles and Descriptions

Oral Communication

This unit focuses on the development and understanding of active listening skills, good note-taking, planning an effective presentation, and on speaking skills and vocal strategies. Students will listen to, and critically engage with, a variety of lectures and presentations. Students will also plan, prepare, and deliver their own oral presentation, to be submitted in video format.

Media and the Environment

This unit will look at the connection between the media and current environmental issues. Students will explore the elements of advertising and how they can be used to influence people to play an active role in protecting the environment. Assignments in this unit include analyzing news articles, writing a news report, producing a podcast "rant", and developing a plan to protect a newly discovered species.

The Suspense Genre

In this unit students will discuss the elements that create suspense in various media - books, movies, television, etc. Students will write a suspenseful story of their own, and create a radio podcast.

Novel Study

This novel study of The Westing Game cues students to use reading strategies before, during, and after reading, and leads students to examine the themes of the novel.

Final Assessment


The final assessment task is a final examination worth 30% of the student's final mark. Students will be asked to demonstrate their understanding of skills and concepts learned and practised in the course.

Overall Curriculum Expectations

A. Oral Communication


Listening to Understand: listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes;


Speaking to Communicate: use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes;


Reflecting on Skills and Strategies: reflect on and identify their strengths as listeners and speakers, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful in oral communication situations.

B. Reading and Literature Studies


Reading for Meaning: read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, informational, and graphic texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning;


Understanding Form and Style: recognize a variety of text forms, text features, and stylistic elements and demonstrate understanding of how they help communicate meaning;


Reading With Fluency: use knowledge of words and cueing systems to read fluently;


Reflecting on Skills and Strategies: reflect on and identify their strengths as readers, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful before, during, and after reading.

C. Writing


Developing and Organizing Content: generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience;


Using Knowledge of Form and Style: draft and revise their writing, using a variety of literary, informational, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience;


Applying Knowledge of Conventions: use editing, proofreading, and publishing skills and strategies, and knowledge of language conventions, to correct errors, refine expression, and present their work effectively;


Reflecting on Skills and Strategies: reflect on and identify their strengths as writers, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful at different stages in the writing process.

D. Media Studies


Understanding Media Texts: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts;


Understanding Media Forms, Conventions, and Techniques: identify some media forms and explain how the conventions and techniques associated with them are used to create meaning;


Creating Media Texts: create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques;


Reflecting on Skills and Strategies: reflect on and identify their strengths as media interpreters and creators, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful in understanding and creating media texts.

Teaching and Learning Strategies:

Students are exposed to a variety of genres throughout the course and develop skills to analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of texts which may include poems, short stories, novels, non-fiction texts, plays, videos, and songs or other media texts from a wide range of cultures and time periods. Students identify and use various strategies including building vocabulary, learning to understand and use features and organization of texts, and developing knowledge of conventions. Throughout the course, students develop into stronger readers, writers, and oral communicators while making connections to the workplace and international events.

Teachers differentiate instruction to meet the diverse learning needs of students. Instructors also use electronic stimuli including discussion boards and dropboxes to assist students in reflecting on their learning, and in setting goals for improvement in key areas while developing 21st century skills. These tools facilitate and support the editing and revising process for students as they create texts for different audiences and purposes.
Identifying and developing skills and strategies – through modeling of effective skills, students learn to choose and utilize varied techniques to become effective readers, writers, and oral communicators.
Communicating – several opportunities are provided for students to write and communicate orally.
Generating ideas and topics – teachers encourage students to design their own approaches to the material by maintaining frequent (often daily) online communication with students, by allowing some freedom in how students respond to topics and questions, and by encouraging students’ independent thinking through discussion posts.
Researching – various approaches to researching are practiced. Students learn how to cite sources and provide a works cited page at the end of longer assignments using MLA formatting.
Thinking critically – students learn to critically analyse texts and to use implied and stated evidence from texts to support their analyses. Students use their critical thinking skills to identify perspectives in texts, including biases that may be present.
Producing published work and making presentations – students engage in the editing and revising process, including self-revision, peer revision, and teacher revision all of which strengthen texts with the aim to publish or present student work.
Reflecting – through the use of drafts, discussion boards and other elements of the course, students reflect on the learning process, focus on areas for improvement, and make extensions between course content and their personal experiences.

文章分类: 9年级课程