GLC2O(10年级职业规划)Grade: Grade 10 Course Title: Vocational Research Course code: GLC2O Course type: optional course Credit value: 0.5 Pilot course: None Course Description This course teaches students how to develop and achieve personal goals for future learning, work and community involvement. Students will assess their interests, skills and characteristics and investigate current economic and workplace trends, work opportunities, and ways to search for work. The course explores post-secondary learning and career options, prepares students for managing work and life transitions, and helps students focus on their goals through the development of a career plan and post-secondary budget.
Overall Curriculum Expectations
Teaching and Learning Strategies: Our theory of assessment and evaluation follows the Ministry of Education's Growing Success document, and it is our firm belief that doing so is in the best interests of students. We seek to design assessment in such a way as to make it possible to gather and show evidence of learning in a variety of ways to gradually release responsibility to the students, and to give multiple and varied opportunities to reflect on learning and receive detailed feedback. Growing Success articulates the vision the Ministry has for the purpose and structure of assessment and evaluation techniques. There are seven fundamental principles that ensure best practices and procedures of assessment and evaluation by Virtual High School teachers. VHS assessments and evaluations, ● are fair, transparent, and equitable for all students; ● support all students, including those with special education needs, those who are learning the language of instruction (English or French), and those who are First Nation, Métis, or Inuit; ● are carefully planned to relate to the curriculum expectations and learning goals and, as much as possible, to the interests, learning styles and preferences, needs, and experiences of all students; ● are communicated clearly to students and parents at the beginning of the course and at other points throughout the school year or course; ● are ongoing, varied in nature, and administered over a period of time to provide multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate the full range of their learning; ● provide ongoing descriptive feedback that is clear, specific, meaningful, and timely to support improved learning and achievement; ● develop students’ self-assessment skills to enable them to assess their own learning, set specific goals, and plan next steps for their learning.