Dear Sunnybrook Students and Families,
I am honored to have the opportunity to lead a school with suchpersevering students, an extremely dedicated staff, and a supportive school community. I feel very fortunate to be part of this school and to supportthe students.
I have been dedicated to the field of education for more than eighteen years. I am thrilled to bring my skills as an educational leader to Sunnybrook Secondary School and to work with you as a partner ineducation to ensure your child's success.
I view education as a life-long process and expect that I will continue to learn much about the uniqueness of Sunnybrook this year and in the years to come. Mostimportantly, I bring a belief that students are at the center of allschool-related decisions. I am excited to unite my experience to supportour students. Because the relationships between families and the schoolare vital to the success of our students, I encourage you to become involved inevery way possible. I look forward to meeting you soon!
Samantha 毕业于布鲁克大学教育专业,并获得文学学士学位。她拥有丰富的教育教学经验,多年来Samantha 一直担任多所私立高中校长职务,接触到不同国家,不同文化的家长和学生们,了解到无论学生的背景如何,教育对他们有着同样的影响,教育不仅意味着学习知识,也是为了帮助学生培养更适合自己的学习方式,帮助学生取得成功。她相信离岸高中项目将帮助海外学生更容易接触到加拿大的优质教育资源,并且OSSD的“非应试”教育体质将充分发挥每一位学生的学习潜能。
BreveenaSahi拥有伦敦南岸大学的荣誉管理学士学位,以及管理硕士学位。具有多年学校管理及运营经验,并且拥有杰出的沟通能力和组织管理能力。曾在多伦多著名私立高中UCC(UpperCanada College)担任行政管理职务。多年在教育领域积累的工作经验,让她在管理和协调学校事务上有着独特高效的执行力,同时她也负责制定学校日常教学的计划和教师培训工作。